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The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Resource Library is a virtual portal containing action-oriented health equity research, practice, and policies. The library aims to increase equity in health by offering free access to field-tested, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs strategies and high-quality research.
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- Nearly one in ten children living in the U.S. has a parent who speaks English less than “very well.” Among Asian and Latiné children, the proportion is closer to four in ten. Within the world of child health research, language remains a significant barrier to equitable research recruitment and inclusion. However, education for pediatric, child psychology, nursing or maternal-child health research…August 2023Communication
- The Health Equity & Access under the Law (HEAL) for Immigrant Families Act of 2023 removes political interference and restores coverage so immigrants in the United States (U.S.) can participate in the health insurance programs for which they would be eligible but for their immigration status or length of stay. This bill will allow immigrants and their families to receive the health coverage…July 2023Medicaid, Medicare
- Language is a social determinant and driver of health. Joo and colleagues2 performed a systematic review of perioperative and surgical care that adds to a growing body of literature describing language-related health care disparities. The 29 studies that met their inclusion criteria had mixed results. Most found that patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) experienced reduced access to…July 2023Communication, Social Environment
- Today is the 22nd annual World Refugee Day, which commemorates both the anniversary of the 1951 United Nations (UN) Refugee Convention and our international commitment to protect refugees.In recognition of this year’s theme—“finding hope away from home”—we highlight the situation facing Rohingya Muslims in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, currently home to the largest refugee camp in the world. Displaced…June 2023Environmental/Community Health
- For many who have taken up a new language or visited a foreign country, language barriers are often unexpected hiccups and might even be a bit embarrassing. But what happens when language barriers become an everyday encounter that impacts your fundamental autonomy, your voice, and your rights? This talk explores the role of language barriers in healthcare and the power of language translators in…May 2023Communication
- "The Greensboro Experience: A Public Health Lens on Refugee Health Disparity During a Pandemic” was a dynamic webinar with community and academic experts who helped create awareness of the misinformation the refugee diaspora receive about the US healthcare system, exacerbating unique health disparities combined with COVID-19 risks. Refugees are a significant part of our economy and we can no…March 2023COVID-19/Coronavirus, Social/Structural Determinants
- Immigration to United States began in the 17th century, and ever since, the country has been the destination for millions of people as they search for a better life. According to recent Pew Research data, there are approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. Of these, 5.6 million are of Mexican descent, 1.8 million are from Central America, and 1.5 million are from Asia. The U.S…January 2023Mental/Behavioral Health
- Immigration affects the health of those who migrate –and those left behind –in many ways. The effects are both positive and negative. Some impacts are fleeting while others are long-lasting. Causal mechanisms are complex. Migration can affect health and vice-versa; selection effects (migration is not a random process) muddy the waters.Organized by Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE…November 2022Illness/Disease/Injury/Wellbeing
- In a finding that challenges the notion that immigrants are freeloaders in the American health care system, a new study shows they are paying a lot more through health care premiums and related taxes than they actually use in care. In fact, the amount that immigrants pay in makes up for some of the amount of health care that non-immigrants use in excess of what they pay. “Some politicians and…November 2022Services & Programs
- Background Some U.S. municipalities have proclaimed themselves “sanctuary cities” and/or adopted laws and policies limiting local involvement in enforcement of federal immigration policies. Several states, however, have adopted laws that preempt municipal laws and policies designed to protect immigrants. We explored the consequences of House Bill (H.B.) 318, one such preemption law in North…March 2022Services & Programs
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