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The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Resource Library is a virtual portal containing action-oriented health equity research, practice, and policies. The library aims to increase equity in health by offering free access to field-tested, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs strategies and high-quality research.
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- Introduction Substance use disorder (SUD) is a treatable and “complex condition that involves a problematic pattern of substance use”. Recovery services are important to treating substance use disorders and for positive behavior change. These services can include detoxification, cognitive or behavioral therapy, and medication-assisted therapy in an inpatient, outpatient, or long-term sober living…August 2024Substance Use and Misuse
- Youth may experience “inequitable, unsafe, or unhealthy conditions” in their work and communities. Young people also have fresh perspectives, creativity, energy, and optimism, which makes them valuable contributors to their societies. Getting youth involved in shaping systems and structures which affect health may address the upstream causes of poor health and inequities. Supporting youth…August 2024Social/Structural Determinants
- IntroductionImmunizations have saved at least 154 million lives in the last 50 years and are one of the most important tools in preventive health care. They are a large contributor to the worldwide increases in life expectancy in the past century. Vaccines work in different ways, often by introducing an antigen in the form of a weakened or inactivated version of a pathogen. This teaches immune…July 2024Vaccines
- Why Equity Matters: Across the nation, gaps in health are large, persistent and increasing—many of them caused by barriers set up at all levels of our society. After all, it's hard to be healthy without access to good jobs and schools and, safe, affordable homes. Health equity means increasing opportunities for everyone to live the healthiest life possible, no matter who we are, where we live, or…July 2024Services & Programs
- Substance use and mental illness have significant impacts on people, families, communities, and societies. Previous National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reports have cited differences in substance use, mental illness, and the receipt of substance use and mental health treatment among people in different racial or ethnic groups.1,2 As part of the Strategic Plan: Fiscal Year 2023-2026 of…July 2024Substance Use and Misuse
- Find diseases and conditions; healthy living; workplace safety; environmental health; injury, violence and safety; global health; travelers’ health and more. (website description)June 2024Illness/Disease/Injury/Wellbeing
- Republicans and Democrats responded in starkly different ways to the COVID-19 pandemic, from their attitudes in 2020 about whether the virus posed a threat to whether the pandemic ended in 2023. The consequences of COVID-19 for health equity has been a central concern in public health, and the concept of health equity has also been beset by partisan polarization. In this essay, we present and…June 2024COVID-19/Coronavirus, Systemic Determinants
- For decades, tobacco companies have used promotions, targeted marketing, and other tactics to unfairly increase access to and appeal of tobacco products for certain population groups. Discrimination, poverty, and other social conditions have also been linked to tobacco product use and can make it harder to quit. These factors are linked to high levels of disease, disability, and death from…May 2024Environment/Context
- CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion collects data on chronic diseases and leading health indicators through a variety of surveillance systems. General and specific chronic disease surveillance systems are listed. (website description)May 2024Services & Programs
- A CDC Vital Signs report, using drug overdose data from the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS), found concerning trends and widening disparities between different population groups. From 2019 to 2020, overdose deaths increased 44% for Black people and 39% for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people. In addition, the percentage receiving treatment was lowest for…May 2024Substance Use and Misuse
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