What is employment quality? How can we study it for occupational health equity?

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Fujishiro, Kaori
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
September 2022
Abstract / Description

Full-time, permanent employment that offers benefits and protection has been considered the standard work arrangement, but certain jobs are moving away from this standard.  Precarious employment, for example, is characterized by insecurity, short-term contracts, and limited access to workers’ rights and protection [NIOSH Strategic Plan, 2022]. These aspects of work represent employment quality (EQ). Employment Quality takes into account employment stability (e.g., the type and length of contract), material rewards (e.g., pay and benefits), working time arrangements (e.g., the length and predictability of work hours), training and employability opportunities (e.g., on-the-job training), workers’ rights and protections (e.g., access to unemployment insurance), empowerment and access to collective organizations (e.g., union representation), and interpersonal power relations (e.g., intimidation, discrimination). EQ research has a long history outside of the United States, but in the last few years it has gained increasing attention as a determinant of health among U.S. researchers. Now is an exciting time to explore EQ and its health consequences in the U.S. social context. (author introduction) #P4HEwebinarMay2023

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