The way home continuum of care 2021 point-in-time homeless count & survey independent analysis

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Troisi, Catherine
Coalition for Homelessness
The Way Home Continuum of Care
March 2021
Abstract / Description

In 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Continuums of Care (CoCs) across the nation were faced with the possibility that conducting a count of those experiencing unsheltered homelessness would not be feasible. Conducting the annual January count of individuals experiencing unsheltered homelessness requires hundreds of community volunteers. Additionally, volunteers gather in groups and approach people that may be experiencing homelessness to collect data. This activity poses challenges in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Due to these challenges, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) issued waivers that allowed CoCs to opt out of conducting an unsheltered homeless count. For those that chose to move forward with the count, there were additional waivers which provided flexibilities in methodology and timing of the Count. (author abstract) 


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Geographic Focus
P4HE Authored