Religion and healthcare: The importance of cultural sensitivity

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
AdventHealth University
AdventHealth University
December 2020
Abstract / Description

Everyone has their own way of coping with pain and finding hope in times of distress. When walking through a health crisis, many turn to spirituality for comfort, and many people find their spiritual center in religion. The World Religion Database counts 18 major religious categories around the world. Scholars estimate that about 2,400 religions exist in total.

Spirituality and healthcare, many believe, are intrinsically linked. Seeing a connection between religion and healthcare is important for professionals working in the medical field. Healthcare providers need to have an awareness of how religion impacts patient experiences in order to provide appropriate care.

Individuals who have a deep appreciation for the relationship between spirituality and healthcare can consider pursuing careers where they can demonstrate cultural sensitivity to patients. (author abstract)


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