Welcome to the P4HE Collaborative Resource Spotlight on the role of philanthropy in advancing health equity. Philanthropy has a critical role to play in ensuring that health disparities are acknowledged and addressed. In this blog post, we’re excited to share a curated list of resources designed to level set for policy makers, private sector leaders, community members, academics, researchers, advocates, and philanthropists. Whether you’re looking to establish a strong foundation or grow a comprehensive understanding, these tools are here to support your journey. Dive in and discover how these resources can help you achieve your goals.
Resource List:
Funding Change: A Conversation on Philanthropy's Vision for Health Equity
This webinar hosted by Partners for Advancing Health Equity brought together voices from academic, foundation, and community philanthropies of various sizes to speak about their organization’s Health Equity vision and goals. Speakers discussed the ways philanthropies can address social determinants of health.
Releasing the Potential of Philanthropic Collaborations
This report discusses the growing popularity and potential of collaborative giving platforms. These platforms have seen a significant increase in both number and annual giving over the past decade.
Philanthropy’s Increased Focus on Health Equity Post–COVID-19
This article explores the heightened attention philanthropy has given to health equity following the COVID-19 pandemic. It underscores the necessity for a recovery strategy that prioritizes equity as a clear objective. The article further highlights the pivotal role of philanthropy in spearheading initiatives to reconstruct society, with a focus on guaranteeing equitable and just health opportunities for everyone.
Building Relationships in Health: How Philanthropy and Government Can Work Together
This report shares valuable lessons learned from community-based initiatives aimed at improving healthcare for the uninsured and underserved. It emphasizes the importance of developing strong, trusting relationships with grantees as well as understanding the impact of state and federal policies on community health efforts.
Redesigning Health Equity Philanthropy
This blog underscores the necessity for a fresh perspective on health equity philanthropy. It critically examines existing funding models, highlighting how they perpetuate power dynamics, advocating for a shift in philanthropic endeavors from ephemeral projects to long-term, sustainable investments.
Innovations in Health Equity and Health Philanthropy
This blog discusses how health equity has become a focal point for philanthropy, driven by an urgent need to reverse long-standing destructive trends.
Achieving Health Equity is Possible, and Philanthropy Can Help Lead the Way
This blog post asserts that the attainment of health equity is within reach, with philanthropy playing a crucial role in charting the path ahead. It underscores the importance of placing equity at the heart of recovery strategies and utilizing data to monitor advancements, thereby guaranteeing enduring effects and tackling disparities.
The Role of Philanthropy in Addressing Health Equity
This blog focuses on the stark disparities that were exposed during the COVID-19 crisis and how that exposure necessitated both individuals and organizations to commit to eliminating health inequities.
How and Why Foundations Push to Advance Equity Through Evidence
This podcast centers on the role of funders, especially those within the philanthropic sector, as pioneers and early adopters of culturally responsive and equitable social program research.
This toolkit emphasizes the importance of authentic community engagement in philanthropy. It champions the inclusion of diverse community voices in decision-making processes to achieve sustained health and social impact. It provides a roadmap for funders, emphasizing the need for foundations to invest time in building trusting relationships and integrating community input across all organizational functions.
Interested in learning more?
- Attend our upcoming learning series Better Health for All: The Role of Philanthropy in Advancing Health Equity.
- Check out other P4HE Collaborative blogs here.
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