Holistic healing: From medical-legal partnerships to future collaboration with community-based organizations

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Le, Erin
Faessler, Daniel
November 2018
California Law Review
Abstract / Description

Founded in 1989 as one of the pioneer clinics at the East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC), the Health & Welfare Practice provides holistic legal services through a medical-legal partnership model to improve the health and well-being of vulnerable individuals. Our experience over the last three decades has taught us that when we partner with medical providers, we are better able to address the underlying social causes of poor health, which include poverty, homelessness, and minimal access to health care.

But what is a medical-legal partnership? A medical-legal partnership is a collaboration among doctors, nurses, social workers, and legal services providers, such as paralegals and attorneys, to improve the health outcomes of patients. Good health is not limited to going to the doctor and getting your shots. Sometimes, what affects a patient’s health the most goes beyond what a doctor can treat in an office or hospital setting, such as safe housing conditions or access to income. (author abstract)


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P4HE Authored