Building partnerships for health equity advocacy

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Gutierrez, Adriana
Richmond, Al
Wilson Wardell, Lechelle
Partners for Advancing Health Equity
June 2023
Partners for Advancing Health Equity Webinar Series
Abstract / Description

Cross sector collaboration – including academia, community organizations, government agencies, media, philanthropy, private companies, and communities - supports the ability for innovation and action in achieving health equity. Diverse sets of organizations and communities are working to improve health equity; however, strong partnerships are required to create action and build sustainable outcomes.

Hosted on June 20th, 2023, this webinar brought together expert practitioners to speak on the elements of collaboration including identifying partners, forming partnerships, establishing trust, collaborating effectively, and sustainability. Panelists shared on their organization’s efforts combatting health inequities highlighting successes and limitations and how partnership has fostered action in health equity.


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P4HE Authored