Aligning systems with communities to advance equity through shared measurement

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
American Institutes for Research
American Institutes for Research
January 2023
Abstract / Description

Systems within communities—including medical care, public health, housing, education, transportation, justice, and human services—directly influence the health and well-being of community members. These systems often operate independently from each other, resulting in inefficient allocation of resources, lack or duplication of services, and poor service quality. These effects hamper systems' efforts to promote equitable health and well-being in communities.

Systems can work together to align their actions and decision making. One way is through shared measurement: using a common set of measurable goals that reflect shared priorities across systems and with community members. With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, AIR explored how shared measurement helps systems and communities systematically define collective goals, monitor progress, generate buy-in, and create accountability within organizations and communities. (abbreviated author introduction)


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