Access for all: Centering the perspectives of individuals with IDD in health equity

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Marlow, Beth
Milburn, Darcy
Nygren, Margaret
Partners for Advancing Health Equity
July 2024
Abstract / Description

This webinar brings together cross-sector voices, including experts on intellectual and developmental disabilities, to share their insights on the unmet health needs of people with IDD and how to best serve them. Speakers discuss ways that policy makers, health care providers, communities, advocates, and academics can collaborate to center individuals with IDD when designing and implementing equitable health interventions.  

Webinar Objectives:

  • Explore critical health issues experienced by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). 
  • Discuss the various barriers to access to quality health care for individuals with IDD and the effects on their health outcomes.   
  • Learn about examples of treatments and interventions that can specifically target the unique health needs of individuals with IDD. 
  • Outline the roles of various collaborators in designing and implementing accessible and equitable health interventions.
  • Highlight implementation strategies and key action steps to help individuals with IDD lead a healthy, prosperous life.  
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Artifact Type
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Priority Population